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日期:2023年04月23日 20:23 浏览量:1




第一条 租赁物件

Article I. Leased Objects

第二条 租赁期间

Article 2. Lease Term

第三条 租金 Article 3 Rent

第四条 租赁物件的购买

Article 4 Purchase of leased items

第五条 租赁物件的交付

Article 5 Delivery of the leased items

第六条 租赁物件瑕疵的处理

Article 6 Treatment of defects in leased objects

第七条 乙方在租赁期间内的权利义务:

Article 7. Party’s rights and obligations during the lease term:

第八条 租赁物件的灭失及毁损

Article 8 Loss and damage of the leased items

第九条 保险

Article 9 Insurance

第十条 租赁保证金

Article 10. Security deposit for lease

第十一条 违反合同处理

Article 11 Breach treatment

第十二条 甲方权利的转让

Article 12 Transfer of Party A's rights

第十三条 合同的修改

Article 13. Modification of contract

第十四条 租赁期满后租赁物件的处理

Article 14 Disposal of leased objects upon expiration of the lease term

第十五条 担保

Article 15. Guaranty

第十六条 争议的解决

Article 16 Settlement of disputes

第十七条 乙方提供必要的情况和资料

Article 17 Party B’s provision of necessary information and data

第十八条 合同、附表及附件

Article 18 Contract, schedule and annex


第一条 租赁物件 Article I. Leased Objects


Party A shall, in accordance with the Party B’s requirements and initiative selection, for the purpose of renting to Party B the items recorded in item (1) of the attached schedule to Party B, and Party B shall lease and use the items from Party A.

第二条 租赁期间 Article 2. Lease Term


The rental period shall be as set out in item (5) of the Schedule and shall commence on the date of receipt of the bill of lading by Party B as set out in Article 5(1) hereof or on the date of dispatch of the bill of lading by Party A as set out in Article 5(2) hereof.

第三条 租金 Article 3 Rent


1. Party A shall finance the purchase of the leased item for Party; Party shall pay rent to Party A for the leased item. The rent and the time, place, currency and frequency of payment shall be provided in item (9) of the Schedule.


2. The rent referred in the preceding paragraph is calculated on the basis of the estimated costs recorded in item (7) of the Schedule (hereinafter referred to as the estimated costs). However, where the actual is inconsistent with the estimated cost at the date of commencement of the lease, the actual cost shall prevail and the rent shall be calculated accordingly.

第四条 租赁物件的购买

Article 4 Purchase of leased items


1. Party B shall, pursuant to its own needs, select the leased object and the seller on its own investigation of the seller's credit. Party B has the full right to decide on the name, specification, model, performance, quality, quantity, technical standard and service content, quality, technical guarantee and price, delivery time, etc. of the leased object and to agree directly with the seller, and Party B is fully responsible for its own decision and choice. Party A shall enter into the purchase contract with the Seller in accordance with Party B's choice and requirements. Party B agrees and acknowledges all the terms of the relevant contract as set out in item (1) of the Schedule and signs the purchase contract.


2. Party B shall provide Party A with such approvals or permits as Party A deems necessary.


3. Party A shall be responsible for financing the necessary funds for the purchase of the leased items and effect all relevant import procedures in accordance with the purchase contract.


4. Party A shall pay directly and on time the customs duties, value added tax and new State’s taxes and other taxes payable for the purchase of the leased items in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the relevant authorities, domestic freight and other domestic charges that must be paid, without Party B’s liability thereon.

第五条 租赁物件的交付

Article 5 Delivery of the leased items


1. The leased item is delivered to Party B by the Seller or by Party A (including its agent) at the place of delivery specified in item (3) of the Schedule. Party A shall, upon receipt of the bill of lading, immediately notify Party B to get the bill of lading from Party A with a power of attorney, and Party B shall simultaneously issue a receipt for the leased items to Party A. Party B's signature of the bill of lading shall be deemed to have completed the delivery by Party A of the leased items to Party B. The date on which Party B signs for the bill of lading shall be the lease date of this contract. Party B shall receive the goods at the delivery place with the bill of lading and shall not reject the goods for any reason.


2. Where Party B fails to get the bill of lading on the date notified by Party A or refuses to accept the bill of lading, Party A’s mail by registered post of the bill of lading to Party B will be deemed Party A has completed the delivery of the leased items to Party B which has delivered the receipt for the leased items to Party A. In such case, the date on which Party A mails the bill of lading shall be the lease date of this contract.


3. The transport agent of Party A (foreign transport company) will, upon arrival of the leased goods at the place of delivery, handle customs clearance and pick-up procedures. And Party A shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the leased item upon arriving at the place of delivery, regardless of whether Party A take delivery of the item in time or not.


4. Party A shall not be liable for the delays in transportation, unloading and customs clearance due to force majeure or other reasons not attributable to Party A, which delay Party B's acceptance of the leased item or result in Party B unable to accept the leased item in accordance with the lease. Force majeure includes the acts of government, war, natural disasters.


5. Party B shall, upon receipt of the goods at the place of delivery, conduct the commercial inspection at the place and time specified in the purchase contract in accordance with the State’s relevant regulations and submit a copy of the commercial inspection report to Party A timely.

第十二条 甲方权利的转让

Article 12 Transfer of Party A's rights


Party A may, at any time during the performance of the contract, assign all or part of its rights under this contract to a third party without affecting Party B's use of the leased property, provided that Party B is notified without any delay.

第十三条 合同的修改

Article 13. Modification of contract


The amendments to all attachments to this contract should be agreed in writing by the parties and the guarantor before they can take effect.

第十四条 租赁期满后租赁物件的处理

Article 14 Disposal of leased objects upon expiration of the lease term


Party B shall, upon expiration of the lease term and full performance of its obligations hereunder, have the right to choose to lease items as follows.


1. To return the leased items to Party A at its own expense and ensure the leased items are kept in good condition except for normal loss


2. To notify Party A, 30 days before the expiry of the lease term, in writing of the continuation of the lease at the renewal rent and the amount of loss fixed for the renewal of the lease as agreed in items (10) and (12) of the Schedule (other conditions being the same as in this Agreement), or

3.乙方向甲方支付产权转移费人民币 元,甲方即将租赁物件所有权转移给乙方。

3. Party B shall pay the property transfer fee of the amount of RMB Yuan to Party A which shall transfer the ownership of the leased items to Party B.

第十五条 担保 Article 15. Guaranty


The Guarantor guarantees and is responsible for the effective performance of the terms of this contract by Party B and, in the event that Party B fails to pay the rent and other sums due to Party A in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, the Guarantor shall perform its guarantee in accordance with the letter of guarantee issued by the Guarantor hereunder.


外商投资融资租赁公司 经营范围(外商投资融资租赁公司经营的业务包括)
融资租赁 商业地产(融资租赁的房地产属于投资性房地产吗)
融资租赁 融资方法(融资租赁的方法)
融资性租赁名词解释(融资性租赁业务主要包括)文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
文章来源: 丁香财经网
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