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2023年05月05日 12:05



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1888 年,台湾设立文报总局,在其颁布的中,首次出现“邮票”二字。总局印发了两联单式的台湾邮票,用以在传递公文中分清职责和传递时间,官用的称“邮票”,民用的称“商票”,在我国邮政史上,正式使用“邮票”一词从1899年开始的,这时邮政汇总已开办,邮政业务扩大了“信票”上的“信字已不能包括全部邮政业务;1912年,我国发行的“光复纪念”邮票上,第一次印上了“邮票”字样。


奥林匹克运动会(希腊语:Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες;法语:Jeux olympiques;英语:Olympic Games;中文简称“奥运会”),是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年一届,会期不超过16日,是世界上影响力最大的体育盛会。









四川铜币,是晚清和北洋时期四川省地方政权铸造的货币。由于川省银铜矿缺乏,加之辛亥革命以后军阀割据,致使中央政府《币制条例》关于铜币之原料比例、铜币面额的规定没有严格遵守,四川铜币发行量十分巨大,致使物价虚高、影响经济发展。四川铜币,自光绪二十九年(1903年)六月开铸,至民国二十四年(1935年)十一月法币开始流通才逐渐退出流通领域 。








英文翻译:Stamp collecting is a kind of interest, a kind of learning and an investment. By collecting and studying various stamp products, philatelists can not only learn about the history, geography, flowers, flowers, fish, insects and people of the world, but also develop a taste for meditation and patience for self-cultivation.


In 1888, The General Bureau of Literature and Newspapers was established in Taiwan. In its promulgation, the word "stamp" appeared for the first time. Administration issued two single Taiwan stamp, to distinguish responsibility and pass time in the transfer document, officer says "stamp", civilian said "business", in the history of China's postal, formal use of the word "stamps" since 1899, when the post summary has been opened, the postal business expanded letter "vote" on "letter words have cannot include all postal services; In 1912, the Korean stamp commemorating Korea s liberation from Japanese colonial rule was printed with the word stamp for the first time.

Olympic Games (Greek: λυμπιακοί α α γ νες; French: Jeux olympiques; English: Olympic Games; Chinese abbreviation "Olympic Games"), is the world's largest comprehensive games sponsored by the International Olympic Committee, every four years, the meeting period does not exceed 16 days, is the world's most influential sports event.

Stamp products include not only stamps, but also seals, sheets, stamps and other postal products issued and used by postal organizations. Stamp products are available in a variety of forms, including first Day covers, airmail envelopes with international postage, souvenir covers, original photo cards, postal postcards, postage covers, souvenir sheets, souvenir sheets, souvenir stamps, commemorative postmarks, mail cards, etc.

The Olympic Games originated more than two thousand years ago in Ancient Greece and were named after Olympia, where they were held. At the end of the 19th century, Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchman, put forward the idea of holding the Modern Olympic Games after the suspension of the ancient Games for 1,500 years. The First Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896, the first Winter Olympics in 1924, the first Paralympic Games in 1960, the first Paralympic Winter Games in 1976, the first Youth Olympic Games in 2010 and the first Youth Olympic Winter Games in 2012.

Under the guidance of the Olympic Games is the Olympic creed to sports and quadrennial Olympic ceremony, the Olympic Games as the main content, promote people's physical, psychological and social moral all-round development, communication between peoples of mutual understanding and spread all over the world the Olympic creed, the maintenance of world peace of the international social movement. The Olympic Movement includes the ideological system with Olympism as the core, the organizational system with the IOC, ifs and national Olympic Committees as the backbone, and the activity system with the Olympic Games as the cycle.

Stamp collecting is an interesting and elegant collecting activity, whether it is the desire for background information on the contents of stamps, or the satisfaction of owning them, whether it is the appreciation of other people's collections, or the display of one's own treasures, or the exchange of needed stamps, or through stamp collecting to meet new friends... Add endless spice to your life. Stamp collecting is a way to acquire knowledge. The small paper shows the broad and profound world and reflects the process of history from one side. Stamp collecting is a comprehensive knowledge, a stamp, from the content, meaning and aesthetic design, to its design and historical background, printing process and plate making technology and other aspects, all reflect the crystallization of human wisdom. It is precisely because stamp collecting is of such importance and is a highly rewarding economic activity that this set of stamps is perfect in appearance and subject matter and of great collectable value.

Sichuan copper coin is the currency minted by the local government of Sichuan province in the late Qing Dynasty and beiyang Period. Due to the lack of silver and copper deposits in Sichuan province, coupled with the disunity of warlords after the Revolution of 1911, the central government did not strictly abide by the provisions on the proportion of raw materials and denomination of copper coins in the Currency System Regulations. The copper coins issued in Sichuan were very large, resulting in high prices and affecting economic development. Sichuan copper coin, since the 29th year of Guangxu (1903) in June, to the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935) in November began to circulation before gradually out of circulation.

In May 1911, in the name of railway nationalization, the corrupt Qing government transferred the road construction rights of sichuan and Han, Guangdong and Han by the people to the banks of Britain, France, Germany and the United States, which aroused the opposition of people all over the country, especially in Sichuan Province, hundreds of thousands of people joined the Comrades of Road Protection Army. After the Wuchang uprising, the provinces declared their independence one after another, and the Baolu Army surrounded Chengdu. Unable to control the situation in Sichuan, Zhao erfeng had to hand over power to the leaders of the Sichuan Road movement, pu Dianjun and other constitutionalists. Therefore, Sichuan province also declared its independence, established the "Han Sichuan military government", and took over the Chengdu minting factory. In order to expand the military needs, this "Han" character silver coin was minted and issued.

Military government back Han eighteen circles sichuan copper coins

On the back is the six characters of the first year of the Republic of China, the central bead circle is Han, the outside is 18 small circles, representing 18 provinces at that time, meaning that the people of 18 provinces work together to fight together.

Sichuan copper coin is made by the military government when making money. This coin is made of red copper. Edge teeth short, left and right hollow cross flower star, star flower on a round hole, easy to carry. The currency surface of the text is based on gold dots. Sichuan copper coin four word opening, point for the heart. Sichuan word last lengthen wear a hat, wear two points above. Copper for the gold side, four horizontal gold, the third horizontal lack of half. Currency word a bold dot instead of stroke. On the edge of the military government made, the military word strokes are fine, the army to the beginning of the point, and the horizontal fold is not even, commonly known as the filament army. Political word point attack, anti - text touch linked. Fu word point at the beginning, not even horizontal. At the beginning of the word, the ox word mouth. The word "money" is four horizontal gold, and the third horizontal upward bend. The text is from the text, skimming and horizontal is not connected. On the edge of the military government made, made between the government to hit a horizontal mark. Back edge of the republic of China two years, the Chinese word right part of the formation of small circle. Chinese character vertical with small circle, square head 20, Chinese character horizontal grain decoration 26 horizontal, the upper edge of the Republic of China two words opening.

The main function of Sichuan copper coin is to pay soldiers, so it has the dual function of military currency and civil currency. This coin has five denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100. The sichuan copper coin made by the military government represents the currency culture of modern China, reflects the rise and fall and vicissitudes of modern history, economy and finance in China, and has high artistic appreciation value and cultural relic value.


比特币中国 汇出?比特币中国 汇出了吗

标签: word olympic 邮票

文章来源: 丁香财经网
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