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2023年04月21日 12:12



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阿特斯光伏事业部工程师Shawn Qu说道,“2022年的业绩表现,也增强了我们对未来的信心。截止2023年1月31日,阿特斯已经在开发容量为25GW的太阳能项目,在建电池项目也有47GWh。同时,公司已经铺装储备充足的管道来迎接这些项目的完成

在会议上,公司还预测了2023年业绩表现:光伏组件总出货量将在30-35GW;CSI Solar的电池储能出货量预计在1.8-2.0GWh,总销售额则大概率将落到85-95亿美元的区间。



RENIXX World(可再生能源股票指数)是第一个衡量全世界30家从事可再生能源生产的上市企业绩效的股票指数,这些企业每年至少赚走全球可再生能源领域一半的利润。




值得注意的是,尽管中国企业基本控制了中欧两大光伏市场的产业链,但在2022年,美国在RENIXX World中的排名却首次超过中国(自2010年起,在RENIXX World 30家企业里,中国的七家公司一直占据首位,美国的八家公司紧随其后,德国的五家公司长期稳定排在第三)。

Atlas battery shipments up over 100%, and 30 of global new energy companies’s performance rising

The renewable energy industry continues to heat up around the world.

As a major player in the global solar photovoltaic industry, the performance of Chinese company AT&S Solar Power Group, which went public in the US in 2006, in 2022 has great reference value for the development prospect of the global renewable energy industry.

In 2022, AT&S will ship 21.1GW of PV modules, achieving 45% year-on-year growth; in storage cells, it will ship 1.79GWh of storage capacity, doubling compared to last year, which is inextricably linked to the explosion of the European energy storage market in the same period.

The performance in 2022 has also boosted our confidence in the future," said Shawn Qu, an engineer at AT&S PV Division. As of January 31 (2023), AT&S already has 25GW of solar projects in development and 47GWh of cell projects under construction. at the same time, the company has laid out a well-stocked pipeline to meet the completion of these projects."

At the conference, the company also forecasted its performance in 2023: total PV module shipments will be in the range of 30-35GW; CSI Solar's battery storage shipments are expected to be in the range of 1.8-2.0GWh, while total sales are likely to fall in the range of $8.5-$9.5 billion.

2022 is not only Atlas Solar Power Group's soaring performance, the world's 30 most representative renewable energy listed companies, all achieved amazing results last year.

The RENIXX World (Renewable Energy Stock Index) is the first stock index to measure the performance of 30 publicly traded companies around the world engaged in renewable energy production, which earn at least half of the global renewable energy sector's profits each year.

In fiscal year 2022, the RENIXX Stock Index reached $7.47 billion, up 42% year-over-year; net income growth achieved a new record of $240 million for the first time, up 152%; and average earnings per share reached $3.44 ($1.46 in 2021).

Tide Power Intelligence believes that the strong growth momentum of the renewable energy industry globally is also evident in the context of the macro industry as a whole. As further process and technology upgrades drive the industry to a more stable cost structure (solar module and cell costs are now near the bottom of the curve), growth in sales will translate more directly into revenue and earnings growth.

It is worth noting that while Chinese companies largely control the industry chain in the two largest PV markets in China and Europe, in 2022 the United States overtakes China in the RENIXX World rankings for the first time (since 2010, seven Chinese companies have consistently held the top spot among the 30 RENIXX World companies, followed by eight from the United States and five from Germany in a stable long-term (in third place).


文章来源: 丁香财经网
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