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2023年06月15日 19:58



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本文来源:DNF美服吧 COLG



编辑:鄙人 GrabMeACoke


There will be a special buff on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years.

A blitz reward will be available at those times, including a special aura and selectable petit creature.



Coming on Tuesday: 周二预计更新:

Bastet's Trial event.

Trailer here.

Contains a few event dungeons, previewed on stream here.

Dungeons consist of different clear requirements than usual, such as completing puzzles or avoiding traps.

Dungeon map shown here.

Rewards include an awakening cutscene change item, two new level 90 epic accessories, and a new damage font.

Requires you to be level 50 or higher to enter.

1. 远古之神的试练。这个是国服18年的国庆副本,包括一些活动地下城,具体可以参考国服相关内容。地下城包含不同的通关要求,例如完成谜题,或者避开陷阱。地下城地图参考国服。奖励包括觉醒插图,两个新的90级史诗首饰,和一个新的伤害字体。要求Lv50进入。

Eyes of the Sphinx event.

Lasts until January 22nd.

Light of Truths can be found from dungeons. (Not specified which.)

You can exchange them for items at the Young Explorer NPC in Seria's room.

Items in the shop were shown on stream here.

For every nine Lights you get, you can obtain one Sphinx Eye item used for this part of the event.

The grand prize from the Sphinx Eye puzzle is a Kitty Bastet creature. Gerri stated it looks like the kitty NPC in Seria's room here.

Variety of other rewards are present also, including Kaleido boxes.

2. 黄金之沙神秘之瞳。这个是国服18年国庆的活动,美服持续到1月22日。





A new Egyptian themed avatar package will be released.

Looks like this.

Includes weapon avatar, weapon clone avatar, title, and aura in the package also.

There are Buy One Buy More bonuses present, though MJ claims it to be better - lacks paywall items and is more reasonable.

3. 更新漫沙神祗礼包。这个是国服18年的国庆礼包。装扮外观参考国服。包括武器装扮,克隆武器装扮,称号,光环。也有多买多送,MJ说这个比以前好。缺乏付费墙项目,更合理。

White Christmas 2018 event.

Santa will be in town again, between Chobung and Pungjin.

You obtain socks from optimal leveled dungeons and deliver them to him, similar to the past event where you get gifts daily for hanging socks. Previous event for reference here.

Rewards for the sock portion of this event include this list.

There's another part to this event, decorating Seria's room. You can use remaining socks to decorate it.

There's a special reward obtainable once from the Christmas Tree by Santa per account. Not specified.

The NPC's in town will be in costume for the Christmas season, along with the town decorated.

There will be a special buff on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years.

A blitz reward will be available at those times, including a special aura and selectable petit creature.

4. 白色圣诞2018活动。圣诞老人会再次出现在城镇,这次在风振和爱莎之间。在推荐地下城获得[圣诞袜],然后交给圣诞老人,和去年类似,将圣诞袜挂上去可以获得奖励。参考上次的活动。圣诞袜兑换奖励如图所示。活动还有另外一个部分,把赛丽亚房间装扮,可以使用剩下的圣诞袜。圣诞老人旁边的圣诞树可以获得特殊奖励,这个没有详细消息。活动期间各NPC外观会有改变,城镇也会有一些装饰。圣诞夜、圣诞节和元旦有特殊BUFF,期间也有登录奖励,包括特殊光环和和自选迷你二觉宠物。



NeoPremium+ will return to the Cera Shop.

Price will be lowered by a lot, as previously said. A 30 day contract will cost 900 Cera.

Nothing was mentioned about contract contents changing.

They still plan to give away free contracts on occasion via events.

NeoPremium Basic will be removed.

You can hear what was said directly here.

5. 会员重新上架。按之前说的价格有大幅降低,30天只需900点券。目前还没有提到具体变更,他们仍然在计划通过活动发放免费的会员。这次更新之后将删除普通会员。

In the future: 未来预计更新:

The Korean Dungeon and Fighter's DnF Festival will occur on December 25th. You can expect some new future announcements around that time.

6. 12月25号进行韩服的发布会,大家到时候可以关注一下新的更新内容。

Other notes: 其他:

The event trailer will be uploaded to their Facebook page soon, where you can win in game items.

7. 活动宣传片稍后上传到他们的Facebook,可以获得游戏奖励。

An event is still ongoing on their Instagram page, there is still time to enter until the 23rd of December. Prize includes an SNS box.

8. 他们的Instagram有一个活动还在进行。现在还有时间参与,持续到12月23号。奖励包括一个社媒礼盒。

The next ExStream stream will occur early next year.


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